Automated Dosage & Monitoring System


Technical summary:

The Optimizer System is a self contained, portable PLC-controlled slurry processing system. The adaptable sensors integrate directly to the dredge / pump pipeline to monitor and treat sludge prior to the dewatering tubes and dewatering devices. As the slurry passes the floc analyzer, feedback is sent to the polymer dosage controller.

The information is inter-read with other parameters including flow, trending, etc. to calculate and dose the slurry with the optimal amount of polymer. This not only minimizes the amount and cost of treatment, but ensures that the materials have not been underdosed or overdosed.

Absence of constant optimization can cause process swings and will lead to poor dewatering and resulting in higher TSS and more water remaining in dewatered sludge.

Other features include instantaneous polymer solution adjustments, ability to dewater with liquid or dry polymers, enhanced treatment with multiple injection points, adaptable to any size pipeline, and has the capability of sending wireless data to a monitor dredge.

The operation of the dredge can further optimize throughput, quality, etc. with real time monitoring. The treated slurry is then moved to the dewatering application such as Geotex-tile tubes, traditional containment or other methods of dewatering and processing.

The PLC provides real time information of the process which then can be printed, stored or monitored from a remote location.